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Тренды в инвестициях на 2024 год

Investment trends for 2024: what to consider

The investment world is constantly changing, and 2024 will be no exception. With global economic and political changes, as well as technological innovations, it is important to keep abreast of current trends and promising areas for successful investing. Let’s take a look at the key trends that will have a significant impact on the investment landscape in the coming year.

Sustainable and responsible investing

Sustainable and responsible investing (SRI) continues to gain popularity. In 2024, more investors are expected to look to companies that are actively working to reduce their environmental, social responsibility and corporate governance (ESG) footprint. Companies that demonstrate high standards in these areas are becoming more attractive to investors due to the growing interest in environmental, social and governance metrics.

Technological innovation and digitalisation

Technology trends such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and the internet of things (IoT) will continue to have a significant impact on the investment market in 2024. Investors are increasingly focused on technologies that can change business processes and create new opportunities for growth. AI, cryptocurrency and blockchain companies, as well as fintech startups, will attract particular attention.

Green bond market development

Green bonds, designed to finance environmentally friendly projects, are becoming increasingly popular. Further growth in this market segment can be expected in 2024. Investors will be looking for opportunities to support sustainable development and environmentally friendly projects, which in turn will increase demand for green bonds and other environmental financing instruments.

Property market: trends and prospects

The property market will also be a focus for investors. With post-pandemic economic adjustment, there is a growing interest in commercial property, especially in logistics and warehousing related to e-commerce. There is also a trend towards increased investment in sustainable construction and renovation of buildings to meet environmental standards.

Cryptocurrencies and decentralised finance market (DeFi)

Cryptocurrencies and decentralised finance (DeFi) remain hot topics in 2024. Despite the volatility of the cryptocurrency market, DeFi technologies continue to attract attention as a tool for creating new financial products and services. Investors will keep a close eye on developments in cryptocurrency regulation and the adoption of new technologies such as smart contracts and NFTs.

Investing in healthcare and biotechnology

The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the importance of the healthcare and biotechnology sector. In 2024, investors will continue to look for opportunities in these areas, especially in companies developing new drugs, vaccines and medical technologies. Interest in medical and healthy lifestyle innovations is expected to grow, which will open up new horizons for investment.

Geopolitical and economic instability

Geopolitical instability and economic uncertainty will continue to influence investment decisions in 2024. Investors should be prepared for possible risks and take them into account when building their investment portfolio. Diversifying assets and selecting safe and stable investment instruments will help minimise potential losses.


In 2024, investors will face new challenges and opportunities due to changes in the economy, technology and global politics. Sustainable and responsible investing, technological innovation, the development of green bonds and cryptocurrencies, and investments in healthcare will play a key role in shaping investment strategies. By following current trends and remaining flexible, investors will be able to successfully adapt to changing market conditions and achieve their financial goals.

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